Hockley Bowling

Hockley Bowling Club | A Private Members Club since 1929

Club Rules / 100 club

2025 Edition

For the laws of the sport, please click on this link: 


Rules of Hockley Bowling Club 

                   Rules, edition 2023

1/ Name:

The name of the club shall be “Hockley Bowling Club”.  Situated at The Bowling Green, Highams Road, Hockley,

Essex, SS5 4DG Tel; No: 07434 809531. Website: www.hockleybowlingclub.co.uk 

Hon-Sec:  Email:

2/ Object:

The Club exists to play & promote Flat Green and Short Mat Bowls.

3/ Affiliations:

The Club shall be affiliated to Bowls England and any other association that the Executive Committee deems advisable.  All play shall conform to the Rules and Regulations of Bowls England.

4/ Membership:

The Club is a Members Club and shall consist of: – Full Members including new members. A full member bowls both outdoors and indoors   Indoor Members (reduced subscription).  An indoor member must previously have been a full active member. Associate Members,( nominal fee) An Associate member can either be a retired bowler of Hockley or the partner/spouse of a member of Hockley.  Deferred Members (Max. 3 years – nominal fee). Life Members – Full Members who do not have to pay the Annual Subscription.  These members have been awarded this special status by the members at an AGM.   Cadets are members minimum age 10 with a yearly subscription of £20 and no rink fees.  Cadets are to be supervised at all times. Bowling Members are Full Members, Life Members, and Indoor Members. Members under the age of 18 years cannot invite guests or play alone. Application for membership must be made on the Club’s application form, the form to be displayed in the Pavilion for a minimum period of 7 days, inviting comments from the Club’s membership, before being submitted to the Executive Committee.

New applicants invited to join the Club are full members but  will be informed that their membership will be reviewed after one year. At the end of this period their continuing membership will be either confirmed or revoked by a full meeting of the Executive Committee. If revoked their joining fee will be refunded.

The total number of members of the Club must be decided by the Executive Committee.

5/ Voting Rights:

All Bowling Members (including new members) will be entitled to vote in person or by Proxy at any General Meeting of Hockley Bowling Club. Officers shall be elected at the AGM by a majority of Bowling Members voting in person or by proxy. Proxy votes must be registered with the Hon. Secretary before the official starting time of any General Meeting and may  be used only for the election of Officers. In the event that an AGM cannot be held at the club due to extenuating circumstances ( e.g. Covid) then a vote can be cast ( either by email or in writing) for any proposal. 

6/ Disciplinary Procedure:

Any disciplinary matter that cannot be resolved by the Club Captain will be dealt with by the Executive Committee following the Disciplinary Rules published by Bowls England.  The committee reserve the right to terminate the membership of any member deemed to have behaved in a way that is unacceptable and/or  that is prejudicial to the harmonious running of the club’

 7/ Officers:

The Officers shall consist of: –


Deputy President.

Honorary Treasurer.

Honorary Secretary.

Assistant Secretary

Honorary Match Secretary.


2 Vice Captains.

Maintenance Officer.

Green Ranger.

2 Committee Members.

Catering Manager

These Officers shall be elected at the A.G.M. and shall serve until the next A.G.M but shall be eligible for re-election.

The following Offices may be held for no more than three consecutive years, and no Member shall seek re-election to that Office until three years have elapsed.


Deputy President.



2 Committee Members

In the interest of the Club, the remaining Offices will be open for re-election each year, but the serving Officer may stand for re-election for as many years as the Member may wish. In the event of an Office falling vacant, the Executive Committee may co-opt a successor to serve until the next A.G.M.

8/ Vice-Presidents:

A Vice President is an honorary non-executive office and is awarded at the recommendation of the Executive Committee, to Members who have given outstanding service to the Club. Additions to, and deletions from the list of Vice-Presidents shall be on the recommendation of the Executive Committee for adoption at the A.G.M.

 9/ Executive Committee:

The Club shall be managed by an Executive Committee, consisting of the Officers elected under Rule 7.

The Executive Committee shall appoint one of their Officers to act as Chairman at their Meetings, and he / she shall have a casting vote only. Eight members shall form a Quorum.

Delegates to be selected from the Officers of the Executive Committee, or the Ladies Committee. The Executive Committee shall have the power to deal with all matters not provided for within these rules.

10/ General Meetings:

The Annual General Meeting shall be held no later than the 14th of December every year. All Bowling Members are invited to attend the AGM and are entitled to vote.  At least 21 days’ notice must be provided to all Bowling Members together with the agenda and other relevant documents including a copy of the examined accounts for the year.                                                                                                                                                    Other General Meetings may be called by either the Executive Committee, or on the request of any fifteen Bowling Members, signed by all fifteen and given to the Honorary Secretary or to Executive Committee.  At least twenty-one days-notice of calling a General Meeting must be provided to all Bowling Members, together with an agenda and all relevant documents. 

The Chairman shall have a casting vote.  Each Bowling Member must have access to a statement of examined accounts at the Annual General Meeting.  One third of Bowling Members shall form a Quorum.

Account examiner(s) will be appointed at the Annual General Meeting for the following year.

Any Written proposal by a Bowling Member where a vote is needed for a rule change or change of policy should reach the Hon. Club Secretary no later than 31st October of the year of the A.G.M and at least 28 days before an EGM.   If possible, any details of Any other Business should be notified to the hon-secretary at least 21days before the meeting

 11/ Trustees:

There shall be four Trustees of the Club who shall each hold office until he or she resigns, or until a resolution removing him or her from office is passed at an Annual General Meeting.  The Assets of the Club, including land, shall be held by the Trustees, in their own names, so far as is necessary, for the use and benefit of the Club. The Trustees shall have no entitlement to the ownership, possession, or disposal of those assets for personal gain, and shall act at all times in the best interest of the Club. In the event of the death of a Trustee, or his or her resignation as a Trustee, or removal from office, the remaining Trustees shall assume responsibility for the duties and responsibilities of that Trustee, until such time as a new Trustee is appointed.

A Trustee shall be appointed only, by Bowling Members at the Annual General Meeting, or at an Extraordinary General Meeting called for that purpose. The Club will indemnify the Trustees against the consequences of all actions taken by the Trustees in accordance with this rule. In the event of dissolution of the club, any grant assets awarded by Sport England, or any other organisation would be refunded to Bowls England as the governing body for Bowls.

12/ Finance:

The financial year shall be from October 1st – September 30th

The Annual Subscription shall be decided at the A.G.M., by a show of hands, after the treasurer’s report and recommendations, and shall be payable by January 1st annually without demand.

  1. a) A Member whose subscription remains unpaid after January 1st annually, shall be named at the first Committee meeting after January 1st, at which the Committee shall have the right to terminate their Membership without further notice.
  2. b) A Membership joining fee shall be payable by each new Member. The annual and joining fees shall be decided at the Annual General Meeting and shall be payable with the new Members first subscription.

13/ Visitors:

Non-Members may be introduced for play by Members on payment of a Green Fee but may not be introduced on more than five occasions in any one season.

Members are responsible for entering their visitor’s names (casual or competitors) in the Rink Booking Diary and paying the Green Fees.

No rinks composed solely of non-members may play on the Green without prior arrangement with a member of the Executive Committee, who will be responsible for Green Fees, and to stay in attendance during play. Non-playing visitors shall be deemed to be temporary members by completing the visitors’ book.

Visitors playing bowls must wear flat soled shoes and where possible a white top.

 14/ Dress:

Bowls Approved smooth-soled heel-less footwear, must be worn at all times on the Green and on indoor short mats.

Ladies: May wear regulation skirts, culottes, trousers, or cropped trousers with a plain white (short or long sleeved) and collared shirt/blouse or polo shirt and if desired a white pullover etc. Grey or white to be determined by the fixture list. Shorts if worn should be tailored, with belt loops or belted waistband. They should have side/slit pockets and be knee length. Alternatively, Bowls England official shorts may be worn. Shorts should be white or grey according to the match requirements.  Plain White socks ( with exception of branded logos) must always be worn with shorts.   Greys should be worn when playing Ladies internal competitions and when playing in any mixed game, where the men are wearing greys; this includes Monday and Saturday Leagues, Pick-up-Pairs, Roll Ups, and Mid-Week Mixed Friendly games, unless stated otherwise in the Fixture Card.  Plain White hats or visors may be worn. (the only exception being recognized bowls related logos). Team club coloured polo shirts should be worn when playing in the Adams League, Affinity or 2020 matches.

 Men: May wear regulation grey trousers, plain white (short or long sleeved) and collared shirt or polo shirt and if desired a white pullover etc.  but Whites shall be worn for those fixtures so indicated in the Fixture Card.  Shorts if worn should be tailored, with belt loops or belted waistband. They should have side/slit pockets and be knee length. Alternatively, Bowls England official shorts may be worn. Shorts should be white or grey according to the match requirements. Plain White socks ( with exception of branded logos)must always be worn with shorts. Plain White caps or visors may be worn. (the only exception being recognized bowls related logos) Team club coloured polo shirts should be worn when playing in the Adams League, Cutler, or Group 6 matches.

15/ Green availability:

The Green will normally be open every day for play from 10.00am onwards except Wednesdays, when it will be open at 2.00pm.

League games to take precedence over roll-ups, unless otherwise agreed by the Executive Committee. The closure of the Green or parts thereof, or use of protection mats shall be at the discretion of the Green Ranger, or in his absence, by a majority of all the Officers present.

 16/ Fixtures:

 The Honorary Match Secretary shall arrange fixtures with other Clubs, with the approval of the Executive Committee. Teams will be selected from those Bowling Members offering themselves for play by a Selection Committee comprising of the Captain, Vice-Captain and one other Bowling Member. This Member to be selected at the A.G.M.

17/ Competitions:

The general policy for Club Competitions shall be decided by the Executive Committee.

The BURLEY SHIELD competition shall be open to male members and the PAT PERKINS ROSE BOWL to lady members, who have not previously won any singles competitions

  1. a) SUBSTITUTIONS: Other than the FRED BENEE’S TROPHY (where partners are self-selected) substitutes will only be allowed up to and including the first round proper. The appropriate captain will select the substitute on a ‘like for like’ basis.
  2. b) RESULTS: Summer -Signed scorecards to be placed in relevant captains’ pigeon hole with appropriate fees placed in the counter slot. Only the Captain will then complete the competition sheets. Short mat – score cards and appropriate fees to be placed in envelope in counter slot. Only the Organiser will then complete the short mat league sheets and the Jack Merritt Competition sheet.
  3. c) WITHDRAWALS: Any player finding that they are unable to play any round, including Finals Day, must withdraw from that Competition. The appropriate captain must be informed as soon possible, stating the reason.
  4. d) EXTENSION OF TIME: Should a player be unable to play a round by the scheduled date, that player may, exceptionally, request an extension from the appropriate captain. The captain’s decision shall be final.
  5. e) OFFER DATES: The challenger should offer two dates one of which must be a weekend.
  6. f) FINALS DAY: Players must not enter any competition if they are unable to play on FINALS DAY. (Note: this could be the Saturday immediately before FINALS DAY). Should any player(s) be unable to take part in their match on FINALS DAY because of injury or illness, the Captain to have full discretion to rearrange the match before the end of the current season, BUT subject to agreement of the opponent(s). Should the green be unplayable on the date specified for FINALS DAY the FINALS shall be rescheduled to be completed by the end of the season.

Men’s Championship-21 shots. Ladies Championship-21 shots.

Men’s Handicap*-2l shots.

Men’s 2 wood challenge – 21 shots.   Ladies 2 Wood Challenge -21 shots

President’s Cup (Men’s Pairs)-18 ends.

Waterman’s Cup (Ladies Pairs)- 15 ends (Final 18 ends)

Fred Benee Trophy (Mixed Pairs)-15 ends (Final 18 ends)

Burley Shield-21 shots

Pat Perkins Rose Bowl Cup-21 shots

Ena Dodge Vase: – 4:3:2:1 (15 ends, Final 18 ends) Open to prelim or first round losers. (Men and ladies)

Champion of Champions 21 shots no handicap 2 woods, to be played between the winners of the Men’s and Ladies Championship.,

* Handicaps are allocated by the appropriate captain.

18/ Ladies Section:

Lady playing Members shall belong to a Ladies Section within the Club and may appoint Officers for the Section and make decisions affecting the Section, but in all cases subject to these Rules.

19/ Liability:

Neither the Club nor any Officer thereof shall be liable to any Member or Guest for any loss or damage to any property occurring on the Club premises, nor for any injury sustained by any Member or Guest whilst on Club premises.

20/ Fund Raising:

No fund-raising activities may be carried out on Club property, without the approval of the committee. Display material must not be placed on the notice board without such permission.

21/ Smoking Policy:

Smoking and vaping are only allowed in the designated Area.


22/ Mobile Phones:

Mobile phones must be on silent/vibrate or switched off while on the green.

23/ Alcohol Licence:

1)Hockley Bowling Club will consist of a minimum of 25 members including duly elected committee members.                                                                                                                                                                                                      2) N0 alcohol is to be supplied or intended to be supplied to members on the premises otherwise than by or on behalf of The Club.  

3) The purchase of alcohol is to be: 

  1. a) Undertaken by a person over 18 who is an elected member of the committee or an appointed member by the committee to perform said task.
  2. b) For the sole purpose to sell on the Club premises for the Club members and guests for consumption within the Club premises.

4)a) No person(s) is/ are to receive at the expense of the Club any commission, percentage or similar payment on, or with reference to, purchase of alcohol by the Club.                                                                          

  1. b) No arrangements are, or are intended to be made for any person directly or indirectly to derive any pecuniary benefit from the supply of alcohol by or on behalf of the Club to members or guests apart from:
  2. i) any benefit accruing to the Club as a whole or
  3. ii) any benefit which a person derives directly or indirectly by reason of the supply giving rise or contributing to a general gain from the carrying on of the Club.

24/ Rules and Regulations:                                                                                                                                                                     

These Rules are binding to all Members who, by paying their Club subscriptions accept the conditions of same.  No Rules can be altered or deleted except by two thirds of Bowling Members attending, voting in favour of the motion at a General Meeting. One third of Bowling Members shall form a Quorum. Details of any proposed alterations or deletions must be given in writing to the Club Honorary Secretary, stating the proposer and seconder, no later than the 31st October of the year of the AGM. Any matter not provided for in these Rules shall be dealt with by the Executive Committee.





         Membership of the 100 Club is open to all members of Hockley Bowling Club (hereinafter referred to as HBC).

  1. Members will be issued a unique number by the Treasurer (ranging between 1-100) which will remain that members number for each draw for as long as they are a participant.
  2. Only one number will be allocated per member.
  3. If a member leaves the draw they will no longer retain the allocated number, and this will be made available for another member.
  4. Monthly payments must be made by the first of each month before the draw takes place either by bank standing order, cheque, or cash (given to the Treasurer) before the date of the next draw otherwise the member will be deemed to not be in that month’s draw.
  5. Members must pay a monthly sum of £5.00.
  6. HBC will supply applicants for 100 club membership with the clubs bank details so that members can set up their bank to make the monthly payments if this is their chosen option.
  7. Members will be notified at the time of the draw if they have won, by email and on the notice board. If the member is not in attendance they will be informed.
  8. If applications from members to join are received after launch, HBC will accept the application and the member will become eligible for the next draw following the date of application, as long as condition 1(5) has been met.
  9. All members irrespective of their position within the club may be eligible for membership of the 100 club.
  10. Licensing
  11. The 100 Club is regarded for licensing purposes as a ’Private Society Lottery’, therefore no license is required for this type of lottery.
  12. 3. Prizes
  13. There will be three prizes each month.
  14. The three prizes will be 50%, 30%, and 20% of 50% of all the payments received for that months draw.
  15. The prize money will be rounded to the nearest pound for ease of administration.
  16. An email will be sent to all members by the secretary following the draw informing everyone who the winners were.
  17. Timetable
  18. The 100 Club will be launched on Monday 7th August 2023.
  19. All payments must be received by the first of each month, or in the case of a Bank Holiday, the following day to be included in the next draw. A draw will be made on the first Monday of each month unless it is a Bank Holiday, in which case the following day.
  20. Winners will be paid in cash as soon as is practicable after the draw.
  21. Cancellation of membership
  22. HBC may suspend the membership of any member failing to make a monthly payment, pending enquiries.
  23. HBC may cancel the membership of any member who confirms and then fails to make a payment upon enquiry. They will not be entered into the draw.
  24. HBC is able to transfer to a new member for the duration of their membership a number whose previous holder has cancelled their membership
  25. Withdrawal of membership
  26. Members may cancel their membership of the HBC 100 Club at any time by giving notice of not less than three weeks.
  27. Such members remain eligible to win prizes throughout this notice period as long as they are paid up members.
  28. Drawing winners
  29. The draw will be made as stated on the first Monday of the month unless it is a Bank Holiday.
  30. . A member of the HBC committee will supervise the draw, a ‘draw official’ will select the numbers, witnessed by two members of the club,  and the names of the draw official, supervisor and witnesses will be recorded for that draw.

  31. The draw will be made using ‘Bingo balls’ numbered 1-100 (or the highest number of members) in the raffle drum.

  32. The witnesses are to ensure that all of the bingo balls are present before they are put into the drum for the draw.
  33. The draw will take place as follows,

First drawn ball = 1st prize 50% of the prize money.

Second drawn ball = 2nd prize 30% of the prize money.

Third drawn ball = 3rd prize 20% of the prize money. 

      34 Proceeds of the draw  

     35 The percentage of the monies received from the members will be used each month as follows

             50% will be used for the cash prizes  

             50% will be used  to reinvest in the club   

             The monies raised from the draw will be invested back into the club to improve the facilities for the membership.  

             Any expenses incurred for operating the draw will be taken from the monies raised.


August 2023